Elisabeth Moss recalled working on the tense set of the award-winning 1999 film Girl, Interrupted, with Winona Ryder and Angelina Jolie. While appearing on SiriusXM’s “Let’s Talk Off Camera With Kelly Ripa” in a recent interview, the Handmaid’s Tale star, 41, explained why she found Angelina, 48, “intimidating” to work with at the time.
“There were two kind of camps. There was the Winona Ryder camp and the Angelina Jolie Camp,” Elisabeth pointed out. “I was in the Winona Ryder camp and the Angelina Jolie camp was really cool. Those were the really cool girls. I was so intimidated by the Angelina Jolie camp. I had no thoughts of ever being able to be in that camp. It was so cool. It was all the cool girls.”
She then rehashed how tension occurred “off camera but [it was] based on what was on camera,” referring to Angelina and Winona’s characters. Angelina played Lisa Rowe, and Winona, 52, played Susanna Kaysen, who become enemies in the film’s plot.
Despite feeling uncomfortable at the time, Elisabeth acknowledged that Angelina is “lovely” and has “spoken” with the Oscar winner in recent years.
“I’ve spoken to Angelina since then, and she’s lovely, but at the time, it was just incredibly intimidating,” The Veil series star noted. “I’ve never brought it up, and I’m sure she would have no idea what I was talking about anyway. But I was just not — I was definitely not cool enough to be in her camp.”